Pet INTANGIBLE Enterprises

"Nothing - is a better pet!"


Intangibles in the NEWS
Meeting the Intangibles
The Adoption Desk

OUR PHILOSOPHY - making something great out of nothing (modern magic)

When nothing can open up the gates of imagination, it may be time for a Pet Intangible. Nothing is a companion like a Pet Intangible. Low maintenance is an overstatement. Vet bills are a thing of the past. Nothing is as loyal as a Pet Intangible and there is no way that your Pet Intangible will ever be hit by a car or a train, or even grow old - unless you and only you - "make it so". Picard would have loved Pet Intangibles, no doubt about it.

PIE Goals and Mission

Pet Intangilble Enterprises goal and mission is simple. We're dedicated to the distribution of magic in the form of graphic art and humor. Providing a pet without physical limitations or drawbacks that would be at home anywhere was an invigorating challenge and accomplishment. The Pet Intangible is the only pet of it's kind - "nothing is like it".


The PI was conceived and developed with the assistance of the spirit of the Russian River at Jenner by the Sea, Sonoma County California.