cowboy buddha _____________ walked the sand while mount grazed in clouds bootless gait made no trace on dune which by the way was empty of sign as his old gunbelts holsters and ammo loops cowboy buddha made no sound smiled silence to osprey wind as they shared a calm and shimmered mirage images shifted the winds played to the four directions nil notes lifted slippery quiet to new heights of rinzai rodeo and soto stillness no spurs or heels just tickles for equine ear breathed a mantra breeze ©2000 jim christ ________________________ cowboy buddha revisited ________________________ wild mustang reality roams ranges gallops bucks snorts saddleless shakes her mane through shimmering air that mimics there the slouching silhouette shapeshift of cowboy buddha he smiles somewhere beneath clouds white hat bare feet beyond shoe leather wiggles into sand as it moves by dancing with the tumbleweed to shadows stretching and two-stepping away a mandala spins from outstretched hand carrot circles orangered as toes dig in remembering boots years walked on heels and soles instead of land he crooks a finger twinkles third eye and whistles silently a whirlpool tune "home, home on the bareback ranges" ©2001 jim christ
| between those shadows ______________________ you've become part of my mind, clicking those keys at me. you're pouring from my CRT and into me, and I to you, back and forth on the waves, adrift on this tron sea of e. the tides through this net move with minds, from shining here to shining there, riding in on electrons dancing, through the spam and the scams and the prancing of shadows that chase us. from the cliffs of here and there to the peaks of everywhere. from this jagged edge of california to where she dives into atlantic from your ends of the earth and all the rest to the clicking of all our fingers, gray matters connected by screens of light, beyond all geographics, politics and religions beyond all divisions - between those shadows ©2000 jim christ ______________ gravity calls ______________ lands in icefall thoughts in avalanche when grip on slanted land is lost surfaces tumble down from sound or step or slip the same result in frozen crashes between the thaws there is balance until to one side or another loosed grips expel down physical or philosophic slopes to answer gravitys call ©2001 jim christ _______________ levity answers _______________ consciousness bridges over any abyss the only true applause is laughter that lifts when gravity calls it's the retort that rules in the darkest dull danger levity answers with jewels ©2001 jim christ
| riparian lines (I am a river) ______________________ I never stop going by yet I never leave. my dancing changes with seasons I mirror places, I weave. I rush up to reflect you while I slip away. tomorrow I'm the sea, I was raindrops yesterday. I come to you clear emerald, lazy summer. I'm rushing jade and turbid, wild wintertime. I'm journey, I'm destination, I'm rhythm, I'm rhyme. once tall waterfalls of words now the quiet bottom line. ©2000 jim christ _____________ golf _____________ life is a game of golf drive and chip and putt, all swings, bound and powered and defined by skill and fate and luck, into movements causing movements causing movements. each swing is as unique as any group of words that leap or fall from any clicking keyboard, moving mouth or racing pen. every swing in the game is precious. every play is the most important in the game of journeys through and to and within the many journeys. short cuts and scenic tours, verdant hills and bare dry bunkers, trimmed fairways stretching off through rough and tangled edges. hazards and greens, alive and waiting for each and every swing. we all walk or ride from lie to lie, stop and stand ready to touch and be touched by moments of truth. we swing and it soars or rolls away, and like all the rest, sent best, it falls from sight. ©1999 jim christ